Monday, November 16, 2009


" I met different kinds of people in all walks of life. . . people who will never understand my principles in life. . . people who keep trying to PUT ME DOWN and TELL BAD THINGS BEHIND my BACK!. . . But through it all, I struggle to prove them myself that I did not exist just to PLEASE THEM!!. . ."
As the time coming faster and faster. . . the 2nd Quarter came !. . . So, as a student we are developing our skills in all aspects in our life. As quarters past by, we have learned more right? Since, the 2nd came, I learned a lot as my 1st quarter but this quarter I learned more. First: I learned to become stronger, braver and to become better, Second: I also learned to prove to them that I also do what are they doing and showing they best as the quotation " If others can so why can I!", and I also learned about HTML, how to use the html tags, how to use the background image, colors and so on. Lastly, I already improved how to use computer as by myself.
If they ask me if there are some problems in this subject, I'll say yes, because in this quarter some of our lessons that we missed because of the typhoons came in to our country and sometimes we are coming late to go to the computer room because sometimes our first period teacher overed-time and he dismissed us late.
How did I address these challenges??
First, I address these challenges by sacrificing all the hindrances coming in my life, I try to give all my best to prove something to show how good I am, fight all the challenges that I need to face and most of all I will trust with all by myself to prove them.
Proving on I will. . . . study harder and harder to show to them how goon I am and I will do my very best to prove that I have also the ability or the talent they have . And I also prove it to myself that I also can what others can. I will be a good model. I learned a lot!!!
" It's better to enjoy life comitting MISTAKES and LEARN, rather than, PLAYING SAFE in your entire life, and learned NOTHING AT ALL. . ."